Blinkie lights

The other day, my home lights stopped working. I’m using Google Home. This was slightly more than an inconvenience, because I’ve got 14 of them, all GE. Google support said to factory reset all of them. OK, that should be easy.

  • Start with light off for at least 5 seconds.
  • Turn on for 8 seconds.
  • Turn off for 2 seconds.
  • Repeat this process 5 more times, or until the light bulb flashes. The light will flash 3 times if it has been successfully reset.

Uh huh. off-on-off six times. For 14 bulbs. Not gonna happen. I am a System Administrator, which means that I am lazy. I do not do anything twice that I can automate. I wrote an Arduino program to do it.

Times six. Times 14. But screwing in a bulb and pushing a button (and drinking a beer, the beer fridge is right behind the table) beats the hell out of on-off-on-off-on-off…