Time Suck

Haven’t posted much lately because, thanks to Bill Schrier, I am spending way too much of my time playing Valheim. Fortunately a) it is February, and b) I am retired, so I only feel a little guilty for spending six hours a day playing a computer game. I don’t ever remember getting sucked in like this, even for Skyrim.

Doug, apologize to Jacob for me. I now understand. If I were still working, I’d have to take a week off.

R.I.P, P.J.

The only funny conservative. Although he didn’t start out that way. As a National Lampoon writer, he wrote insightful policy pieces such as the classic ‘How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink‘.

This could have been written by Doug. In fact, I suspect it was:

I mean, so what if some fifty-eight-year-old butt-head gets a load on and starts playing Death Race 2000 in the rush-hour traffic jam? What kind of chance is he taking? He’s just waiting around to see what kind of cancer he gets anyway. 

Of course, everybody gets old. Even P.J. His sequel to the above 30 years later is – seriously:

‘How to Drive Fast When the Drugs are Mostly Lipitor, the Wing-Wang needs More Squeezing Than It Used to Before It Gets the Idea, and Spilling Your Drink Is No Problem If You Keep the Sippy Cups from When Your Kids Were Toddlers and Leave the Baby Seat in the Back Seat so that When You Get Pulled Over You Look Like a Perfectly Innocent Grandparent’.

I saw him live, and he was hilarious. The NatLamp guys are going quickly, and I am sad.

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Pete’s Wicked Ale

I’ve been brewing for a while. Here’s one of the first contests I’ve won. Remember Pete’s Wicked Ale? Back in the early 90s, there were a small handful of nationally available craft beers. Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada if you were lucky, and Pete’s.

Pete Slosberg was a salesman, and pushed his brew whenever possible. CompuServe had the Bacchus Forum for beer and wine homebrewers, and Pete was a regular on the forums. Eventually they had a brewing contest. And eventually:


Just got back from a week in Florida. My sister has a place in Estero. It was 85 there. When I flew in last night, it was 6. Why am I here?

Tim holding a Sheepshead fish

Dang, those hands look a lot worse than they feel. Although a day in saltwater did them no good. Anyway, that’s a sheepshead. And note the high class glasses. Won them in pinball last week.

The Boyer kids

Spider-Man: No Way Home

So I did the Full Old Man thing yesterday. Went to see a movie and was one of three people at in the theater, then walked around the mall for an hour, then spent five hours playing pinball. Came in third and got some nice prizes, because it was the largest crowd we’ve ever had for a pin tournament. It was hosted by Steel Valley Brew Works (and yes, I’ve already told them that they should not be using http. Habit dies hard) and the owner also started a great local coffee place, Stonefruit Coffee.

The movie. I really, really liked it. They say it’s a fanboy movie. OK, name me the MCU movie that isn’t a fanboy movie. I mean, seriously, they’re all based on half century old comics. It’s like saying Get Back is a fanboy movie. Well… yeah. Of course it is.

I’m still traumatized by TAS 121-122. I was 17, and really into that era of Marvel comics, and… they killed Gwen? So when MJ falls, I stopped breathing for a good 30 seconds. I am a movie cryer, and as I get further into Old Manhood it’s getting worse. This one, I’m glad the theater was empty.

Great movie. No, you don’t need to have watched all of the previous ones to enjoy, though I did watch Far From Home before I went.